By Ann Weaver.
Have you ever searched for something on the internet? I would bet that 99.999% of the people reading this right now have looked up the answer to a question by typing it into a search bar and allowing the web to find the answer. You may have even typed the web address of this blog into your search bar at one point.
In this modern age, we would be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t used the internet. Homeless people have phones. Prisoners have device access. Even small children can boast of having their own electronics. And each of those devices, large or small, contain trillions of voices within the limitless void of the internet.
Just a hundred and fifty years ago, most of the influences in someone’s life were people they knew: their family, friends, and community. But now we have a plethora of voices calling out to us, all attempting to influence us when they do not even know us individually. Each of these voices is loud, persistent, and unavoidable, and everyone tells us something a little different, all the while declaring that they’re the right one to listen to.
At times, it feels as if we are drowning in this sea of opinions. As if there’s no way we could ever know the truest answer, and even that we don’t care.
When we feel overwhelmed, we need to take a step back. Not only from the internet and all its voices, but from doubting the presence of truth. Though we have no absolute way to determine the truest answer in many things, we do have a final resolution as to what is eternally true. And that’s the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.
When we feel as if the world is spinning around us and there is no longer any truth in the world, we need to stop and take a moment to pray. After that, it’s good to delve deeper into the following key truths to help us remember the unerring truth of God and the Bible.
1: God cannot lie.
We are told in many places in Scripture that God is unable to lie. In Titus 1:2, Paul tells us that God cannot lie. We are told the same in Hebrews 6:18, that it is impossible for God to lie. And Numbers 23:19 says that, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
When we become confused, disoriented, or anxious from the many voices in our lives, we can remember that God is Truth itself. Since God cannot lie, we can trust that all He says is the ultimate truth and the guiding rod for when we are unable to determine what to believe.
2: The Bible does not err.
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that “All Scripture is inspired by God…” When we know that God cannot lie, we also know that Scripture cannot err. That means we can take anything we are concerned or perplexed about and hold it up to Scripture.
Though we know this already, these promises are something we can return to again and again. Throughout all the uncertainty and multitude of the voices we hear in the world, we know we have a way to measure the truth of everything we hear. What a comfort that is!
3: God will guide those who are faithful.
At times, there is no definite answer to determine the truth in the bombardment of information we are obtaining. In these times, we can rest assured in the knowledge that God will guide His faithful followers. In James 1:5, we are told that, “…if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” In the next verse, we are reminded that we “…must ask in faith without any doubting…” If we believe the Lord will guide us and trust in Him, he will guide our footsteps and heart to the right places.
It can be difficult to find truth in the clamor of voices that surround us in this modern age. But if we remember the promises and truths of the Lord, we will remember who holds the ultimate truth. As we go about our lives, let’s hold fast to the promise given in John 8:31-32: “…If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
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