Hello! (Ann)

By Ann Weaver.

Photo Credits: Ann's younger sister.

Hello, readers! I’m Ann Weaver- well, that’s my pen name. I am a homeschooled high-schooler living in the Southeastern U.S. with my parents and younger sister. We also have a French Bulldog – her name is Margaret – and a married older brother who has a little girl of his own. I love being an Auntie! 

My favorite things to do are read, read, and… well, read. I learned to read at three years old and have never stopped loving words since! I also enjoy baking, history, and am learning how to sew. Speaking of baking, I am also in search of the perfect chocolate chip cookie- crispy, not cakey or chewy. YUM!!! I’m also an extreme extrovert, which is surprising, because most extreme book-lovers are definite introverts. Not me! 

I look forward to getting this blog started, and I hope you will be blessed as you read it. Thank you!

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