About Our Authors

     About Ann:

Ann Weaver (psued.) is a homeschooled graduate and the head author at Where Brook and River Meet. She’s been reading and writing since before preschool, and is passionate about biblically encouraging young women during the transitional season of life. She’s lived all her life in the southeast U.S. with her family and dog, Margaret, where she enjoys passing her time planning or organizing various things, baking, and spending time with her niece.

 (For more info, read my introductory post: Hello! (All About Ann) )

Other things Ann is involved with: 



 About Emilie:

Emilie Gruben is a young woman who is on an adventure to do her best for God and His glory. With the Word of God as her sword, she fights the obstacles in her everyday life, head on. Emilie currently lives in Texas, where she can be found reading, writing, drawing, and spending time with her family and their pets. 

(For more info, read my introductory post: Hello! (All About Emilie) )


Other things Emilie is involved with: 


The Sojourners book series: I was graciously given the honor of making the illustrations to accompany the creative work of Catie Gruben Smith’s hexology The Sojourners. It is a fast paced, engaging read with theological values, and characters that make you think about what true bravery is. I encourage you to read it! And you might just spy a product of my pencil, while you’re at it! (Also available here on Amazon!)

Former Authors:


About Grace:

Grace Sweeney wrote with us from the beginning of the blog until August 2024. Here is a link to her Farewell Post, and below is her former bio. 

Grace Sweeney is a teenager who loves to write epic fantasy stories that touch the heart and bless the soul. Being homeschooled has given her a chance to immerse herself in reading and studying the writing craft, all while gathering inspiration from her family’s travels. She currently lives in Europe with her parents, three younger siblings, and the cat, Dara.

(For more info, read my introductory post: Hello! (All About Grace) )

Want to catch up with her? Here are the things she's involved with: 

Grace's email list: Every few weeks I'll send out a fun email, mostly themed around books and writing, along with a quick update on what I've been working on recently! (I may also share a few snippets of a story--which is also fun.)

Come Alive Anthology: Come Alive: An Anthology is a marvelous collection of stories written by young writers about light triumphing over darkness, life over death, and hope in the midst of destruction.

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