Welcome to the Blog!

By Ann Weaver.

Photo Credits: Ann's younger sister.

Welcome to Where Brook and River Meet! I’m Ann, and I’m so glad you’re here! 

Where Brook and River Meet is a blog for girls of high-school and college age, where they will find encouraging articles to help them as they navigate through what can be a difficult time of life. Teenage years can be a hard time, and we hope these articles will be of help to you! 

“Where does the name come from?” you might ask. A few years ago I read an excerpt from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Maidenhood”, which is as follows:


“Standing with reluctant feet

Where the brook and river meet

Womanhood and childhood fleet!”


In re-reading it again recently, I felt it perfectly captures the aim of this blog. Many of us are there right now, somewhere between childhood and womanhood- or in other words, “where the brook and river meet.”

I will not be the only writer here. My best friend, Grace, has agreed to write for the blog too, and so you will see her articles just as often as mine. Our articles will be themed by the month, and we hope you will enjoy these articles at Where Brook and River Meet


  1. Ahhhhh this is so exciting!!!! :D

  2. Hi Ann, I'm so exited for your first blog post! Sounds soooooo exiting! I will be reading all your posts, by the way! And you will get more comments from me to. By!

    1. Thank you, Emily! I hope you enjoy! :)

  3. YO!!! WAY TO GO, Y'ALL!!! 🤩 This is so exciting, and it sounds like a fantastic blog idea!! I can't wait to see where you guys go with this!!! 🤩😁🥰
    (So THAT'S your last name, Pvt. S.!!! 😁).

    1. Thank you, we're excited too! :D

    2. Ahhh thank you so much Lil!!! (XD Yes, I have been found out. *suspenseful music plays*)

  4. What a beautiful blog you’ve set up!! And lovely photography!!

    Great start and I look forward to reading much more!


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