Hello! (Grace)

By Grace Sweeney.

Photo Credits: Grace.

Hello and welcome! My name is Grace Sweeney and I am a writer for Christ, first and foremost. If you ever want to talk about the Bible or Christianity, please reach out to me! I’d love to talk with you. :) 

A bit about me:  I was born in the United States, but currently live in Eastern Europe with my parents and three younger siblings. We are a worldschooling family, homeschooling through international travel.  

I love chocolate, pizza, books, and math. (I know, I like math...let’s just accept that I’m weird.) :) And, of course, I love writing. I’ve been writing since I was six years old and reading even longer. Words are my passion and my desire is to use words, whether in fantasy novels or blog posts, to impact lives and point people to Jesus. 

When I’m not writing, (which is honestly pretty rare,) I’m delving into medieval sword fighting, reading and re-reading favorite books, enjoying karaoke at home (I admit, some songs are better than others!) and encouraging other writers and friends. 

I’m very excited to write for this blog. I hope my words will encourage and inspire you to live for the Lord and to do great things. I can’t wait to get to know you!


1 comment :

  1. Your first one! Yay! It was fun for me to learn things from here too- I didn't know about the math thing until I saw when you wrote it. YOU'RE CRAZY!! XD Looking forward to more posts with you!


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