Farewell, Grace!


Credits: Ann's younger sister

Hello, friends!

 I’m afraid I have some sad news to share. I’ve decided, after much prayer and thought, to step down from Where Brook and River Meet. It hasn’t been easy to come to this decision… in fact, for a long time, I was resistant to the idea.

I’m going to miss writing here so very much. Being a part of WB&RM has been a wonderful experience, and I’ve learned so much through the time I’ve written here. I would like to give a huge thank you to Ann for inviting me along on this journey of blogging with her, and a thank you to Emilie for being so wonderful to work with since she joined in February. 

And of course, I’d like to thank you all for reading. It means a lot. <3

There’s a lot in my life that’s changed recently, which is what led me to this decision. I’m trying to build a business, our family will probably be moving soon, I’m in the thick of school catch-up, and trying to catch up from many delays in other areas, too. I’ve also begun focusing more heavily on my writing journey, and will be applying to an author college-alternative soon, God-willing. 

I will probably still pop in here and there with a guest post, but my regular posts will be done after my last article comes out on August 19th. Once again, I’m going to miss you and this wonderful place so much!

 Thank you for being a part of my journey. <3


Grace Sweeney


Notes to Grace from the other authors at WB&RM: 


Grace, it has been more wonderful than words can say to have been able to write with you here at Where Brook and River Meet! You’re a skilled writer, godly young woman, and most of all, an amazing best friend. You’ve cheered me on when I’m down, both in writing or in life, and given me encouragement more times than I could count. Over and over again, you’ve read, edited, re-written, and re-edited my work, offering very patient advice and solid constructive criticism every time. You’ve helped me improve my writing until I groan at what it was before. I can even see some improvement in how I’m writing this! XD XD I could go on and on, but what I’m trying to express is the great privilege it has been to have had you here, and how grateful I am to you for so many things. I’ll miss you around here greatly, but I look forward to seeing what the Lord brings you next. With your quiet maturity and eager ambition, I’m sure it’s going to be exciting! Thank you for helping make this dream a reality in the very beginnings of this blog, and for being such an encouragement to me and all the readers at WB&RM. You have been a blessing to many. Come back soon for a guest post! :)




I put off writing this for perhaps longer than I should have, purely because I didn’t know what to say. It’s not that I didn’t have things to say, or things that I didn’t want to say, but the deciding what to say, that stumped me. I could tell you so many things about Miss Grace. Though, I’ve only known her for a little over six months, now, really. I first heard about her in late November, I think. And since then, she has changed a lot in my everyday life. She welcomed me to WBaRM with open arms and abounding kindness. Her friendship, fellowship, and direction has been so wonderful to have. Because of her kindness and care, I can confidently say that I now focus on smaller, precise points in my writing, because of her attention to detail. Her editing and critiques of my work, while with WBaRM, has been so immensely helpful and enlightening. She always knows what needs to be changed, how to change it, and what to say to get to the perfect end product. So many articles would never have gotten into your hands without her incredible help, and I want to thank her for all of that hard work. I want to thank Grace for her efficiency and hard work, as well as her encouragement and flexibility to the team. Her understanding and can-do attitude always bring so much stability and encouragement to each meeting we have, every article we write, and every goal we decide on. Her personality and talents give her so much power as a leader and her humbleness makes her such a wonderful person to work with. I am so proud of her for her dedication to her relationship with Christ, above all else, and secondly to her family and dreams. She pursues each plan with faith and selflessness. I wish her all the best, and pray for God’s steadfast providence in her life, wherever she goes. I hope to write with you, again, Grace! God bless you. 




What does this mean for WB&RM? 

Our articles and other posts will come out just as before, with Ann and Emilie alternating weeks. Some reworking is currently being discussed, but nothing has been confirmed. Feel free to comment if you have any questions!

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