By Grace Sweeney
This month we’ve been talking about influence.
You know, that thing that changes people whether they want to be changed or not. That reason you now like red dresses even though you used to hate them until your best friend decided they were her favorite and you started wearing them to match. That kind of influence.
The influence that changes which color you like to wear isn't very important. But other types of influence can change peoples' lives in bigger ways than anyone could imagine. More often than not, we don't even realize we're being influenced until it’s too late.
It's human nature to want to fit in and to be like other people. We all influence and are influenced, whether we realize it or not.
"But what about me? Can I really do that? Aren't I just plain old me? What power or sway could I hold over anyone?"
Do you think your sibling decided to try to change your views on drawing when they started learning art? Probably not. But through watching them grow and learn and seeing their drawings, you can't help but feel a little interested in it too.
I bet you influence more people than you realize. I'm pretty sure I do—and I don't even know who those people might be. I can even think of times I've been influenced by my seven-year-old brother. I am quite certain he did not think he could influence me as much as he did.
We can't go around trying to influence people. It simply happens. You can try to force it, but that's unnatural and the other person will probably realize what you're doing after a short time.
We influence others through our actions and our words. What we do and what we say holds weight, whether we mean it to or not. We have to be careful that those things are in alignment with what is right and true and good.
It comes down to your personal relationship with God. Being close to Him will ensure that our influence on others is godly and wholesome.
No, I'm not saying that unbelievers can't have good influence. They can, and I've known multiple people who are wonderful and have greatly inspired me, although they aren't Christians. But I do believe that a relationship with God is the best (and possibly the only) way we can be sure we aren't a poor influence on others.
That means praying frequently and staying in the Word daily, and being in close relationship with the Lord.
If we live rightly with God and walk with Him, the influence we will have on others will be godly influence, because it will stem from a heart full of Him.
the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your
good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 4:16)
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