What is Contentment? Why It's a Choice, Not a Feeling

By Grace Sweeney.

Photo Credits: Grace.


That degree of happiness which consists in being satisfied with present conditions; a quiet, uncomplaining, satisfied mind; content.  

(Wordnik online dictionary)


Often, when we think of contentment, we think of greediness as its opposite. Most the time that’s because of how many times we've heard people say, "Be content with what you have," which is an important truth and something we need to learn. That's not the full extent of it though. As we see in the definition above, it is being happy and satisfied with our present conditions.

Often it's hard to be satisfied, especially when life isn't the way we want, but that's what contentment is. It's accepting circumstances as they are at the moment, and finding joy in spite of them. 

Contentment is not all about possessions, though that's certainly a big part of it. It's being content in all parts of life, whether where we live, what we are doing, who is around us or what we own.

When we have contentment, we aren't exhausting ourselves by longing for something else. Doing that will wear out your mind and spirit quickly. It could even affect your body in various ways because of the stress you're holding.

If we can learn to have contentment, it will keep us from a lot of trouble now and later in life. Being content will make you happier and healthier in mind, body and spirit.

So how do we do this? How do we get and keep contentment?

We have to recognize that it is not a feeling. Feelings come and go. Contentment is a choice. We choose contentment.

It's a choice to accept what life is now, even if it's not ideal. It’s a choice to realize that God is in control and He has you here for a reason.

I can't instruct you on how to make that choice, because I most certainly haven’t fully learned it myself. I can, however, tell you to pray about it and talk to people close to you. Maybe your parents, your pastor, or your best friend. Above all, learn to trust God and His plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

Trusting God is the key to contentment. When we are secure in Him, we don’t need anything else. 

Remember what Paul said in 1 Timothy chapter 6: “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” (emphasis, mine.)

In a world that constantly longs for something it does not have, learning to be content and trust God means we will be focused on the more important things—heavenly things—not striving after things we cannot have, should not have, do not have or do not need. And that is worth more than all the gold in the world.


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