Jewels of Worth: Contentment

By Ann Weaver.


Photo Credits: Ann's mother


Contentment is our theme this month and these verses will help us learn to be satisfied with whatever God chooses to give us, or even take away from us.


“Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)


This verse should make us step back for a moment when we read it. Paul is not just content with what he does not have, but also with things that he does have that are not good, such as weaknesses and distresses! If he could be content with all of these hardships, can we not be content with the luxury that we have in our lives today?


Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” (Philippians 4:11)


As you read in last week’s article, Paul was imprisoned when he wrote this letter! He goes on to say in the next verse that he can be content when things are hard and also when things are prosperous. We must also be careful not to become discontented when we are around things that we deem better than ours!


“If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.” (1 Timothy 6:8)


Do we really need most of the things we have? No. A study shows that Americans only use about 20% of their possessions regularly. And yet we wish for more! How wasteful! As it says in the verse previous to this one, we brought nothing into the world, and so can take nothing out of it, either. Think on this when you complain about “needing” something, for most of the time we probably don’t need it at all.


Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.’” (Hebrews 13:5)


Let us also be careful not to wish for money, for what can it buy you? Physical possessions? A little temporary excitement? Again, we are to find contentment in what we have.




This hymn is about contentment in the Lord. We should be careful not to be “charmed by the world’s delight,” becoming distracted and discontented by what we don’t have. Instead, may we be resolved to follow Jesus no matter what! 

I Am Resolved: by Palmer Hartsough


(Verse 1)


I am resolved no longer to linger,

Charmed by the world’s delight;

Things that are higher, things that are nobler,

These have allured my sight.




I will hasten to him,

Hasten so glad and free.

Jesus, greatest, highest,

I will come to Thee.


(Verses 2-5)


I am resolved to go to the Savior,

Leaving my sin and strife.

He is the true one, He is the just one,

He hath the words of life.


I am resolved to follow the Savior,

Faithful and true each day.

Heed what He sayeth, do what He willeth,

He is the Living Way.


I am resolved to enter the Kingdom,

Leaving the paths of sin.

Friends may oppose me, foes may beset me,

Still will I enter in.



I am resolved, and who will go with me?

Come, friends, without delay;

Taught by the Bible, let by the Spirit,

We’ll walk the heav’nly way.

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