Question: If you could pick up an instrument and immediately play it perfectly, which would you choose?
Ann: When I was younger, I played the violin. I quit several years ago- mostly because I just didn’t want to practice. If I could pick up an instrument today and play it perfectly, I would most likely choose the violin. However, I’d also like the harp (it’s fascinating!) and the cello!
Grace: Probably violin… I love the violin and would love to be able to play it well! But when I did have a violin for a little while a few years ago, teaching myself to play… didn’t go so great. XD
Emilie: There are so many wonderful instruments out in the world. From strings to wind to unknown ethnic instruments, I really find myself in awe of each’s ability to be beautiful in different ways. I think that I would love to be able to play and appreciate, fully, the flute. It’s so delicate and strong at once, and fascinates me. I would love to play one. But now, I ask you, dear reader: what instrument would you pick?
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