Bonus Post: Questions and Suggestions Welcomed!

 By Ann Weaver

Credits: Grace

This week we have had a gap for two bonus posts, and the first one came out on Monday, which we hope you were blessed by. Thank you for writing, Leah!

In our post today we would like to welcome any questions* you may have, whether about us or the blog, and also ask for any suggestions for bonus blog posts in the future. These could be questions that are personal or things that are blog-related such as an extra article either on the theme or on a different subject entirely.

We look forward to hearing from you!




*we reserve the right to turn down any questions we do not feel comfortable answering


  1. Question... this is kinda silly, but I wondered anyway about the quote your blog is based on, 'standing with reluctant feet, where the brook and river meet, woman hood and childhood fleet.' I was just curious what book that quote came from?

    1. Hello! You can find more information in the "Our Blog Name" page of the blog, which is in the menu bar. I have added a link now to take you to the entire poem. Thank you for calling that to my attention!

    2. You're welcome, and thanks!


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