Question: Do you have any nicknames? If so, what are they??
Ann: I have plenty of nicknames! Actually, that’s an understatement. I have a ton! Unfortunately, since I use a pen name, I’m not going to share most of them, but there are a few fun ones I can share. I will share the best one, though! When my sister and I were very young, she couldn’t pronounce my name correctly. So instead, she called me “Bubbles.” Why? I’m not sure. It doesn’t sound a thing like my real name. But she kept on calling me that, and my mom picked it up too and shortened it to “Bubs.” Again, who knows the mind of family members? Haha! So if you ever hear someone being called Bubs, you just might turn around and find me standing there!
Emilie: I actually have a few names given to me by my various family members and friends. The most commonly used, however, are Emmie and Em. One specific to my older siblings is EmDru. A few, more recent friends, have used Emi, before, but I favor the other spelling, more. That variation has been one that has been my own for years and years, and I hold it dearly as an honor from my special people. I have also been referred to as Raccoon, but that is another story, entirely...
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