Random Recommendations: October 2024


Photo Credits: Ann's mother.



I would like to encourage you to fellowship with someone new at your church. The girl who’s clearly an outsider? The elderly man who always tells the same stories? The stressed looking young mom? Greet them. Talk to them. See how you can encourage them.

Sometimes, all it takes is a listening ear or greeting each week to hearten someone immensely. It reminds them that someone cares. It reminds them they’re not alone. It reminds them that God cares.

Invest time in others. Often, you’ll even find yourself walking away uplifted as well. One day, you’ll find that the seeds of encouragement you spread in others now will bear support for you in your future difficulties. Be consistent and be kind. It’s always worth it.



My recommendation is one that I have tried to be consistent with since the beginning of this year. As a Christmas present, my dear aunt gifted to me a beautiful Moleskine journal as my bullet journal/planner for the year. While some people just plan, I also took to writing down a more or less account of the day. Keeping track of when I was in the Word, when I took a shower, when I found myself lost for time and motivation, etc. It became a habit and really helped me through certain parts of this year. I have never been one to keep a journal, or as some people call, a diary. That was too much work, too demanding, and was often associated with secrets and ungodly thoughts. But I have been able to consistently write about my days, thoughts, struggles, and rejoicings in my journal planner. I look back through the pages, and see how I might have grown or regressed. I hold myself accountable when I see a page with only a schedule and no personalized writing. I recommend others to use a few minutes of their day to write what they did, a prayer, a small note for their future self, or even just a few thoughts from their Bible reading, that day. It really helps me to take time to be grateful and enjoy the present. That’s my recommendation to you! 



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