You Don't Need a Multitude

 By Ann Weaver.

Photo Credits: Ann. 

Over the years, there have been many sources of frustration within the Christian community. Many of these are centered on the lack of good, clean things. That could be anything from a deficiency of moral books and movies to the absence of Christian fellowship in their lives. One of the greatest of these is a shortage of good young men and women of marriageable age. Parents mourn it for their children, young people mourn it for themselves, and teens mourn it for their futures.

Indeed, it’s a very sad thing to see how few truly Christian young adults there are in the world today. There is a serious lack, and that is definitely something to be concerned over. Many times, it seems that we are in the place most deprived of any good young people that are options to begin a relationship with. This can be a hard thing to contend with. However, in regards to romantic relationships, I would like to encourage you today on something important.

You don’t need a multitude of good young people of the opposite sex to be ready to make a choice for marriage. You don’t need any options at all. You only need one person- the right one.

I know we all know this, but we don’t really know it. For some reason, we believe that we need an entire youth group, workplace, or friend group to find our future spouse. We feel like we need lots of Facebook friends, online acquaintances, or other people to make the perfect choice.

But we don’t. We only need one person.

Not only that, but we don’t need that person until the right time. Not the right time in our view, but the right time that will be determined by God. We don’t have to fall in love slowly. In fact, we don’t even have to “fall in love” in one sense, though we should certainly love the other person. But true love will not be the fluttery feelings, though it will include them. Instead, true love will be a solid feeling of sound commitment and steadfast joy of a dedicated relationship.

Most of the time, it’s hard to remember that we only need our one, and that at the correct time. We look around us, and we see no one who we could consider marrying, for one reason or another. It’s very discouraging, and it's easy to spiral down into thinking that we might never marry, forced to spend our lives miserable, lonely, and single.  

Some of us will be single, and there’s nothing at all wrong with that. The apostle Paul was single, and he felt it to be an advantage and a privilege. (1 Corinthians 7) Most of us, though, will probably marry. And while we’re waiting for our future spouse, time can seem to stretch on for ages.

What can we do when we feel discouraged in this long wait? We can focus on Jesus. In Matthew 6:33, we are told“…seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” This does not mean, of course, that we will gain what we wish, but that He will fulfill our true needs. Yet we must truly focus on Him, trusting in Him completely with our future.

Yes, it’s a hard thing to do, and when we feel discouraged, we can take comfort in Romans 8:28, knowing that “…in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

God is in control He will love you and sustain you through all things, until your future spouse comes along and after that. Remember that finding a spouse will not fulfill you- only God will. And He can fulfill your needs with or without a partner, for that is not your end goal. Keep in mind Proverbs 3:5-6, and trust that one day, you will find one person- the one right person for you.



  1. This is so excellent! Funny timing as well, because I was just discussing this with my mom! Thank you for the encouraging reminder.

    1. That's so neat how that happened! :) We're so glad this article blessed you.


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